People who are commonly affected by this concern, will find they do it during their sleep and have no recollection that it has occurred. It is often other concerns that develop as a result of teeth grinding, including: worn / broken teeth, disrupted sleep patterns, headaches and facial pain that alerts a person to this common, habitual condition.
People may be affected by teeth grinding (bruxism) for a number of reasons. Although during sleep is a common time for this to happen (sleep bruxism), awake bruxism also affects many people, occurring at impromptu times during the day. Stress, frustration and anxiety are thought to be the cause of bruxism, which acts as a coping strategy for the body. Tension in the face can lead to the tightening of the masseter muscle, which is located on each side of the face at the jaw, and controls the opening and closing of the mouth.
Dr. Grace Kelly Aesthetic Skin Clinic treats teeth grinding by using the same product that is used in anti-wrinkle injections. As with facial wrinkles, this treatment targets the muscle to help relieve tautness and soften its movement, administering the injection directly. A series of treatment sessions are often needed to improve the condition significantly which will also improve any of the other associated concerns. In some people the teeth may not necessarily grind together, but the jaw locks together or clenches. In this instance the same approach will apply as jaw clenching is a similar concern with the same causes.