Our Story
On the 11th September 2020, Dr. Grace Kelly Aesthetic Skin Clinic opened its doors. Dr. Grace always had a clear vision of the clinic she wanted to create; the location, the decor and the ambience. Fate may have taken her to the place where the clinic would reside as working overseas led to her meeting the man who would bring her to Chalfont St. Peters in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire. This beautiful, friendly village reminded Dr. Grace of where she came from in Northern Ireland, and was exactly what she had envisioned. And, when she found a gorgeous red-brick building just off the high street, she instantly knew this was her clinic’s home.

Although Dr. Grace and her partner had little experience with renovation, they decided to take on designing and managing the entire project themselves. Many people thought they were insane, but this was Dr. Grace’s dream, and she knew she had the perception and creativity to bring her dream to life. Managing a project of this scale, along with the responsibilities of being parents to a young child (and another one on the way), proved to be challenging at times (especially as the world was experiencing a pandemic and le ngthy lockdown’s), but perseverance, determination and positivity saw them through. The project taught them a lot, and the support they received from friends and family was a much appreciated life-line.
The clinic’s distinctive style is a reflection of Dr. Grace’s individual background, personality and keen eye for detail. Its size and appearance is just as Dr. Grace imagined it would be, and she is proud to have created a clinic that oozes luxury, innovation and comfort. She recalls the immense feeling of achievement as the cupboards were stocked and the last pieces of furniture were positioned – a feeling that still makes her feel emotional today.

The clinic’s story is on-going, and Dr. Grace aspires to make her great clinic, even greater. In the few years that Dr. Grace Kelly Aesthetic Skin Clinic has been open, they have already been nominated as a finalist for Best New Clinic in the UK and Ireland at the Aesthetic’s Awards 2022. These awards are this industry’s equivalent to the Oscars, and to be nominated is a huge privilege. So what we would say to all our patients – whether a familiar face, or one the clinic is yet to meet – watch this space!
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